Project on Women & Social Change
The Smith Project on Women and Social Change is an interdisciplinary faculty research group. Founded in 1978, the project draws together faculty from a range of disciplines including anthropology, political science, sociology, education, history, exercise and sport studies, literature, psychology, religion and economics.
Awards Recipients
Congratulations to our most recent recipients of awards under the Project on Women and Social Change!
Research & Publications
The Project on Women & Social Change has achieved national recognition through its scholarly publications, such as the award-winning Women of the Andes, Women Living Change and Learning About Women: Gender, Politics, and Power.
Through the project, Smith enjoys membership on the National Council for Research on Women. This membership links Smith to all major research universities in the United States and keeps those institutions apprised of the research of the Smith faculty.
Contact Project on Women & Social Change
Wright Hall
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
Phone: 413-585-3060 Email: jcce@cesametal.net
General questions and mail can be addressed to the Jandon Center for Community Engagement.